Testimonial for Zoo Modernization with SPLOST 2020

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You can help us by writing a short paragraph, in your own words, about why the Zoo is important to you, how it has impacted your life, or how it has made things better for the citizens of Athens-Clarke County. You can also include an image of you or your family and friends at Zoo events or just on a daily visit.

Your testimonial has more weight when it comes from constituents with valid addresses. Help us make your testimonial mean more by using your real address.

    While this information is optional, it may help our mayor and commissioners make a more informed opinion.

    I live in ACC.I live in Georgia just outside ACC.I used to live in ACC.Other

    Less than 1 year1 to 3 years3 to 5 years5 to 10 yearsMore than 10 yearsLifelong

    DailyMore often than weeklyMore often than monthlyMore often than yearlyMostly for eventsOccasionally

    Please write a simple one-paragraph message in your own words telling your mayor who you are, how long you've lived here, how often you visit the zoo, and why it's important to you, your family and friends. Why is modernizing the zoo important for the citizens of Athens-Clarke County and for you?

    Do you have an image of yourself at the zoo with friends and family that personalizes your love of our zoo? Please upload it here, so we can include it with your testimonial. This should be a photo you or a friend took. Please do not upload photos that are owned by someone else or that are copyrighted.

    Must be checked.
    These testimonials will be curated. Valid testimonials will be printed for our mayor and commissioners at an appropriate time and date. Your name, words, city and photo may be published on this site at a later date. We will keep your phone, email or physical address private on this site, but your constituent information will be shared with our mayor and commissioners.

    NOTE: After you click "Send", you may get an alert saying "Please try again later." Just click "Send" again, and it should go through. Thanks!